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To keep in mind and better the experience



Stealing. There is, as always, a risk of the equipment being stolen. While a security precaution is put in place (the chip system that triggers an alarm if the hardware is moved more than 3 meters away from the main statue), it is still possible that the equipment may be stolen.

Clumsiness. While the stand and the sculptures are securely held in place, it is possible that users with reduced control over their bodies (such as young children) may risk the integrity of the sculptures or the hardware (young children hitting the sculptures with the iPad or magnifying glass, for example).


General accessibility. The presence of a dedicated museum staff to help visitors with general as well accessiblity issues--whether physical or cognitive--would be ideal, and probably required for certain visitors. This limits the amount of people that can participate at a time, as well as when the museum staff may not be available.

Ease of use. Since the user will have to employ two pieces of hardware (the iPad and the Magneo) for a full experience, this could pose some physical constraints to people with mobility issues. While the availability of different-height shelves on the stand do allow the user to rest the devices when not in use, the user still has to choose between one of the items to be held at a time. 

Complexity. While usability and ease of interaction is a core design principle of ColorColab, there is always a risk of the user having a negative emotional experience if not enough instructions are provided. Users may feel incapable and/or inexperienced with technology.

Wheelchair accessibility. Visitors that move with wheelchairs may have a tough time circling the statues, and this concern should be tested during the prototype face. The stand shelves should be adequate so that the items can be reached from a wheelchair height.

Vision accessibility. ColorColab is very much a visually-oriented experience, which means that blind people, people with color blindness or with low vision do not get to experience it completely. However, a 3D-printed miniature of the sculptures will be available, along with an audio description of the project that can be requested on demand from the museum staff.

Financial accessibility - QR Code. The utilization of QR codes in multiple of the communication strategy campaigns implies that the potential visitors has both a smartphone and an Internet connection. These two facts are in contrast with the concept of global access to the museums as defined by ICOM’s definition of museums: a museum must be accessible for everyone, not only to those with an phone and a broadband mobile internet connection.


Compatibility with Magneo. The compatibility of independently developed AR applications with the Magneo AR interface is not clearly documented. In this sense, it might require additional work and perhaps specialist skills to achieve perfect compatibility.
Magneo video stream quality. Magneo's handheld Augmented Reality (AR) uses the magic-lens paradigm in which a magic-lens is a transparent interface. Such transparency is usually implemented by rendering camera captured video on the device's screen. The transparency quality is limited by the video stream quality which may be affected by: unfocused camera lens, poor lighting conditions and limited video stream resolution. All these factors may reduce the readability of the AR scene. 

Web server. A fast and secure connection to the web server will allow the ColorColab to function well. Therefore, any factor (such as natural disasters or human-caused problems) that may lead to power outages or reduced internet speed limit the functionality of the experience.

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