Complexity. While usability and ease of interaction is a core design principle of ColorColab, there is always a risk of the user having a negative emotional experience if not enough instructions are provided. Users may feel incapable and/or inexperienced with technology.
Wheelchair accessibility. Visitors that move with wheelchairs may have a tough time circling the statues, and this concern should be tested during the prototype face. The stand shelves should be adequate so that the items can be reached from a wheelchair height.
Vision accessibility. ColorColab is very much a visually-oriented experience, which means that blind people, people with color blindness or with low vision do not get to experience it completely. However, a 3D-printed miniature of the sculptures will be available, along with an audio description of the project that can be requested on demand from the museum staff.
Financial accessibility - QR Code. The utilization of QR codes in multiple of the communication strategy campaigns implies that the potential visitors has both a smartphone and an Internet connection. These two facts are in contrast with the concept of global access to the museums as defined by ICOM’s definition of museums: a museum must be accessible for everyone, not only to those with an phone and a broadband mobile internet connection.