Visual identity. The ColorColab itself as well as all related content and artifacts (webpage, online application, logo, posters, social media presence) will have a cohesive and coherent look This visual identity will be developed by one professional graphic design firm, which will allow users and potential visitors to recognize ColorColab as a coherent whole.
Host Museum Advertisement. The ColorColab experience will be advertised within and outside the physical museums in which it is located. This advertisement will be through the museum’s own normal channels of press and advertisement— such as their email lists, website and social media, as well as to their stakeholders and funders and in other museum activities and functions.
Traditional Poster Advertisement. The graphically designed posters advertising the physical as well as the online experience will be placed inside and outside the host museum, as well as in other public places, such as metro and bus stations of nearby cities (of Rome, for example). The posters will have a QR code that users can scan with their mobile phones to have direct access to information through the ColorColab website.
Digital and Physical Souvenirs. At the end of their ColorColab experience, users will be able to take home a personalized souvenir that reflects their experience. For free, users will be able to take a paper-based magnifying glass that has a picture of their final composition printed on the “glass” part. Additionally, there will be a for-profit 3D printer station that allows users to create a miniature version of the colorized sculpture they created.
Merchandise. Various items with the visual identity of ColorColab will be available for sale. These include shirts, sweaters, tote bags, notebooks, postcards, cups, pencils, rulers, and other school supplies and more. These items will function as word-spreading advertisement in a variety of settings.